
Read about the latest solutions, updates and news from Marketer, written by our staff.

3 unique projects that launched using M360 in 2024
3 unique projects that launched using M360 in 2024
Elevating campaign management with M360 - An ABChus and Marketer Success Story
Case Studies
Elevating campaign management with M360 - An ABChus and Marketer Success Story
From barriers to increased ownership: A Solon Eiendom and Marketer Partnership Success Story
Case Studies
From barriers to increased ownership: A Solon Eiendom and Marketer Partnership Success Story
Marketer at RENT 2024
Marketer at RENT 2024
Rotneshagen - 25% of units sold within a month
Case Studies
Rotneshagen - 25% of units sold within a month
Marketer Launches Custom AI-Assistant for Real Estate Developers
Marketer Launches Custom AI-Assistant for Real Estate Developers
Employee insight: William Vang
Our Team
Employee insight: William Vang
Case Study - Lowering costs and increasing efficiency with Adform
Case Studies
Case Study - Lowering costs and increasing efficiency with Adform
Ole Kristian Sjømæling Toft
Company UpdatesOur Team
Ole Kristian Sjømæling Toft
Eplehagen - 45% of units sold within a few weeks
Case Studies
Eplehagen - 45% of units sold within a few weeks
Elevating Real Estate Sales Through Strategic Digital Marketing: A Partnership Success Story with Geocon
Case Studies
Elevating Real Estate Sales Through Strategic Digital Marketing: A Partnership Success Story with Geocon
Innovating Real Estate Marketing: The BoligPartner and Marketer Success Story
Case Studies
Innovating Real Estate Marketing: The BoligPartner and Marketer Success Story
Employee insight: A success story with Åse Mari Hidem, Head of Customer Success
Our Team
Employee insight: A success story with Åse Mari Hidem, Head of Customer Success
Insights from our latest Developer Meetup
Our Team
Insights from our latest Developer Meetup
Key takeaways and insights from RENT 2023
Key takeaways and insights from RENT 2023
Employee insight: Haakon Dalseth's Journey to VP Strategy & Finance
Our TeamCompany Updates
Employee insight: Haakon Dalseth's Journey to VP Strategy & Finance
Katrine Andersen
Company UpdatesOur Team
Katrine Andersen
Marketer enters strategic partnership with Vitec Megler
Marketer enters strategic partnership with Vitec Megler
Marketer, Journey and Fonn announces strategic partnership
AnnouncementsExpansionPress Releases
Marketer, Journey and Fonn announces strategic partnership
Marketer announces pioneer partnership with MGC Connecting
New businessAnnouncements
Marketer announces pioneer partnership with MGC Connecting
Marketer continues its international growth with the acquisition of the Dutch proptech company Moving Digital
Press ReleasesExpansion
Marketer continues its international growth with the acquisition of the Dutch proptech company Moving Digital
From automation to generative AI: The future of real estate agents
From automation to generative AI: The future of real estate agents
Marketer acquires Hawii Analyse - market leader of property data for the newbuild market
Press Releases
Marketer acquires Hawii Analyse - market leader of property data for the newbuild market
Embracing tech trends - A focus on the real estate industry
Embracing tech trends - A focus on the real estate industry
Expanding horizons - Marketer has opened an office in Paris
Company Updates
Expanding horizons - Marketer has opened an office in Paris
Søstrene Hinna Continues Its Sales Success
Søstrene Hinna Continues Its Sales Success
THE BeCa - Where Manhattan meets London in a stunning living experience
THE BeCa - Where Manhattan meets London in a stunning living experience
Marketer and Adform enter exclusive partnership for efficient and targeted ad technology in the real estate market
Press Releases
Marketer and Adform enter exclusive partnership for efficient and targeted ad technology in the real estate market
Marketer Powers Veslefrikk Eiendom’s Upcoming Real Estate Project
Press Releases
Marketer Powers Veslefrikk Eiendom’s Upcoming Real Estate Project
The Power of Teamwork and Innovation in Real Estate 3D Visualization
The Power of Teamwork and Innovation in Real Estate 3D Visualization
Quality Living rented out 150 apartments in record time with marketing delivered by Marketer
Quality Living rented out 150 apartments in record time with marketing delivered by Marketer
Partnering Up With Well-Known Agencies
Press Releases
Partnering Up With Well-Known Agencies
Lead.ERA to the Top in World’s Largest Consumer-Voted Award for Product Innovation
Lead.ERA to the Top in World’s Largest Consumer-Voted Award for Product Innovation
Project - Nordre Jarlsberg Brygge by Schage Eiendom
Project - Nordre Jarlsberg Brygge by Schage Eiendom
Employee insight: A success story with Kaisa Eidet, COO of Existing Homes
Company UpdatesOur Team
Employee insight: A success story with Kaisa Eidet, COO of Existing Homes
Strawberry Equities - New strategic owner of
Press Releases
Strawberry Equities - New strategic owner of
Lead.ERA: Un outil pionnier d'IA a fait d'ERA Portugal les finalistes des Real Estate Awards
Lead.ERA: Un outil pionnier d'IA a fait d'ERA Portugal les finalistes des Real Estate Awards
Lead.ERA: Pioneering AI tool made ERA Portugal finalists in Real Estate Awards
Lead.ERA: Pioneering AI tool made ERA Portugal finalists in Real Estate Awards
Dmitriy Kanunnikov
Company UpdatesOur Team
Dmitriy Kanunnikov
Solon wants to take clear ownership of their data
Case Studies
Solon wants to take clear ownership of their data
Ovidiu Bite
Company UpdatesOur Team
Ovidiu Bite
Meta Agency Summit 2022 - Bridge to the metaverse
Company UpdatesMarketer
Meta Agency Summit 2022 - Bridge to the metaverse
Haakon Dalseth & Mette Liset
Company UpdatesOur Team
Haakon Dalseth & Mette Liset
DNB Eiendom and Marketer announce the collaboration with Snapchat for real estate advertising.
Press Releases
DNB Eiendom and Marketer announce the collaboration with Snapchat for real estate advertising.
Marketer launches AI-based analysis tool for new build developers
Press Releases
Marketer launches AI-based analysis tool for new build developers
Kurfiss Sotheby's - Marketer has been a game changer and the data proves it
Case Studies
Kurfiss Sotheby's - Marketer has been a game changer and the data proves it
Mira Tsvetanova
Company UpdatesOur Team
Mira Tsvetanova
Marketer acquires Inviso Media
Press Releases
Marketer acquires Inviso Media
The developers and technology behind our solutions
The developers and technology behind our solutions
Smarter insights for real estate developers
Smarter insights for real estate developers
Marketer has hired Ingunn Iselin Husebø from Aspelin Ramm Eiendom
Press Releases
Marketer has hired Ingunn Iselin Husebø from Aspelin Ramm Eiendom
Er det på tide å flytte inn i en mer aldersvennlig bolig?
Er det på tide å flytte inn i en mer aldersvennlig bolig?
Meglerens råd til deg som vil flytte til en mer aldersvennlig bolig
Meglerens råd til deg som vil flytte til en mer aldersvennlig bolig
Vurderer du å kjøpe ny bolig til pensjonisttiden? Her er bankens tips
Vurderer du å kjøpe ny bolig til pensjonisttiden? Her er bankens tips
The road to becoming a Data Scientist, with Helen Ørn Gjerdrum and Ashesh Raj Gnawali
Company UpdatesOur Team
The road to becoming a Data Scientist, with Helen Ørn Gjerdrum and Ashesh Raj Gnawali
Hvordan finne din neste drømmebolig
Hvordan finne din neste drømmebolig
Meet our newest talents
Company UpdatesOur Team
Meet our newest talents
Tre fantastiske muligheter for nybygde fritidsboliger
Tre fantastiske muligheter for nybygde fritidsboliger
10 grunner til at ditt neste hjem bør være i et nybygg
10 grunner til at ditt neste hjem bør være i et nybygg
Employee insight: A success story with Ludvig Kraft, Head of Strategy and M&A
Company Updates
Employee insight: A success story with Ludvig Kraft, Head of Strategy and M&A
Marketer in new collaboration
Press Releases
Marketer in new collaboration
Set fire to the sales of Fýri
Case Studies
Set fire to the sales of Fýri
The importance of our Customer Success team in an ever-changing SaaS industry
The importance of our Customer Success team in an ever-changing SaaS industry
Rosenholm Campus - Achieving astonishing results in commercial real estate
Case Studies
Rosenholm Campus - Achieving astonishing results in commercial real estate
Reimagine marketing and connected experiences in the real estate industry
Reimagine marketing and connected experiences in the real estate industry
What are the responsibilities of a Sales Executive?
What are the responsibilities of a Sales Executive?
The Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Research Consortium conference 2021
Company UpdatesMarketer
The Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Research Consortium conference 2021
Insights and guidance for those relocating to Norway for work
Insights and guidance for those relocating to Norway for work
Driving digital differentiation in real estate
Driving digital differentiation in real estate
A Senior Account Executive at Marketer
A Senior Account Executive at Marketer
The Portuguese property market and increasing demand for technology
The Portuguese property market and increasing demand for technology
What is UX Design and why is it so important in real estate transactions?
What is UX Design and why is it so important in real estate transactions?
Marketer raises €7.5 million from Idekapital
Company Updates
Marketer raises €7.5 million from Idekapital
Do you know your target group?
Do you know your target group?
Sell real estate faster and smarter with AI and fully automated marketing
Sell real estate faster and smarter with AI and fully automated marketing
Homebuyer trends in Norway
Homebuyer trends in Norway
Marketer at Inman Connect conference in Las Vegas 2021
Company UpdatesMarketer
Marketer at Inman Connect conference in Las Vegas 2021
Environmental responsibilities of newbuild developers
Environmental responsibilities of newbuild developers
The growth of proptech in the Canadian real estate market.
The growth of proptech in the Canadian real estate market.
Skanska on
Skanska on
Marketing of new build development projects
Marketing of new build development projects
Meet the interns at Marketer
Company UpdatesOur Team
Meet the interns at Marketer
Gregers Kvartal - 65% sold in 3 months.
Case Studies
Gregers Kvartal - 65% sold in 3 months.
Alexander Wøien
Company UpdatesOur Team
Alexander Wøien
How property developers can benefit from our portals
How property developers can benefit from our portals
The Marketer Effect
The Marketer Effect
Company UpdatesMarketer
Marketer will provide AI-driven lead generation solutions to Extensa, the leading Belgian developer
Marketer will provide AI-driven lead generation solutions to Extensa, the leading Belgian developer
What is Natural Language Processing, and how does it work?
What is Natural Language Processing, and how does it work?
Kurfiss Sotheby’s International Realty will increase brand awareness and number of listings by using Marketer
Kurfiss Sotheby’s International Realty will increase brand awareness and number of listings by using Marketer
Marketer entering a collaboration with the family-owned Øgreid Eiendom
Marketer entering a collaboration with the family-owned Øgreid Eiendom
Chau Le Stabrun
Company UpdatesOur Team
Chau Le Stabrun
Raised 12 million USD in growth capital
Company Updates
Raised 12 million USD in growth capital
Marketer employees excel in new roles and with increased responsibilities
Company UpdatesMarketer
Marketer employees excel in new roles and with increased responsibilities
Marketer entering the Italian market
Marketer entering the Italian market
Enguerran Licari
Company UpdatesOur Team
Enguerran Licari
How digital marketing can transform real estate transactions
How digital marketing can transform real estate transactions
Meet the Jakarta team: Agatha Meydiana Febry Thio and Winson Sasonko Purnomo
Our Team
Meet the Jakarta team: Agatha Meydiana Febry Thio and Winson Sasonko Purnomo
Important changes in iOS14
Important changes in iOS14
Emily Karoline Kallhovde
Company UpdatesOur Team
Emily Karoline Kallhovde
How to build a successful growth team
Company UpdatesMarketer
How to build a successful growth team
Christopher Køltzow
Company UpdatesOur Team
Christopher Køltzow
We are partnering with one of the leading real estate developers in Indonesia
We are partnering with one of the leading real estate developers in Indonesia
Harald Blaauw
Company UpdatesOur Team
Harald Blaauw
International Women's Day: The Women at Marketer
Company UpdatesOur Team
International Women's Day: The Women at Marketer
Marketer has entered the Indonesian real estate market
Marketer has entered the Indonesian real estate market
Important milestone in Sweden for Marketer
Important milestone in Sweden for Marketer
Norwegian proptech rocket acquires AI startup and considers public listing
Norwegian proptech rocket acquires AI startup and considers public listing
Marketer Technologies to acquire HomeFair
Marketer Technologies to acquire HomeFair
What is it like to work in our Customer Success Team?
What is it like to work in our Customer Success Team?
Marketer Technologies partnering with Samsolgt by DNB Eiendom
Marketer Technologies partnering with Samsolgt by DNB Eiendom
Marketer Technologies extending its footprint in the UK
Marketer Technologies extending its footprint in the UK
Nicolay-Jørgen Skovly Herje
Company UpdatesOur Team
Nicolay-Jørgen Skovly Herje
Breakthrough in Germany for Marketer Technologies
Breakthrough in Germany for Marketer Technologies
How does our Growth team optimise our clients' and Marketer's campaign performance?
Our Team
How does our Growth team optimise our clients' and Marketer's campaign performance?
What is it like to work in the Customer Operations team?
What is it like to work in the Customer Operations team?
Martin Dunseth
Company UpdatesOur Team
Martin Dunseth
Norway's first property portal only for new builds
Company UpdatesMarketer
Norway's first property portal only for new builds
Norwegian prop tech entrepreneurs building momentum in the US
Company Updates
Norwegian prop tech entrepreneurs building momentum in the US
Proptech company from zero to 100 million in three years
Proptech company from zero to 100 million in three years
What is it like to work as a developer at Marketer on our M1 platform?
What is it like to work as a developer at Marketer on our M1 platform?
What goes in to designing a campaign?
Company UpdatesMarketer
What goes in to designing a campaign?
Trygve Vardenær
Our Team
Trygve Vardenær
Oda Nilsen
Company UpdatesOur Team
Oda Nilsen
Oda Nilsen
Company UpdatesOur Team
Oda Nilsen

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