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Martin Dunseth

November 3, 2020
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Marketer has a new addition to the team - Martin Dunseth is our new Jr. Strategy Consultant.

Martin is 26 years of age and from the southern Norwegian town of Arendal. He finished his Master’s Degree at BI Business School this summer, and went straight into his new role here at Marketer.

During his studies, he worked as a Marketing Coordinator at the law firm Advokatfirmaet Berngaard as well as for Tomagruppen. With the experience in hand, he is now ready to take on his next adventure together with the team at Marketer.

As our new Jr. Strategy Consultant, Martin is a part of our Customer Success Team. He is responsible for following up on our customers and strategically working with their marketing departments and agents to maximise the potential of their projects. Martin has been with us for a few months now and has proved his skills in both customer relations and understanding of the client and partners needs.. He places emphasis on his colleagues, who have made him feel included from day one.

“Time does not stand still at Marketer, and Monday to Friday almost feels like Monday to Tuesday! I've been given a lot of responsibilities and trust, which has made me grow into my new role fast. I'm really enjoying it!”, he adds.

Outside of work, Martin is an active squash-player, and an extreme football-fanatic. He also likes to spend a lot of time with his friends and family.

Fun fact about Martin

He dreamt of being a ski-jumper when he was little. Only problem is, he developed a fear of heights. 🤷‍♂️

We have an exciting journey ahead, and we are thrilled to have Martin on our ever-growing team!

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