DNB Eiendom and Marketer announce the collaboration with Snapchat for real estate advertising.
- Press Releases
DNB Eiendom now offers its home sellers engaging ads on Snapchat as part of the SmartSolgt marketing package. The solution has been developed in collaboration with Marketer Real Estate Technologies.

Snapchat currently has more than 2.5 million unique Norwegian users visiting the platform daily and is one of the most used social media platforms in Norway (source: Ipsos). To ensure good results in the marketing of several tens of thousands of homes a year, the SmartSolgt solution combines Snapchat's advertising and automation options with Marketer's unique technology and market insight possessed by DNB Eiendom.
-Snapchat is an exciting advertising channel, with a broad distribution in the Norwegian population, says Therese Frogner Sverre, head of business development at DNB Eiendom.

Photo: Therese Frogner Sverre, head of business development at DNB Eiendom.
-We are very pleased to be the first in Norway to offer Snapchat on such a large scale as part of our marketing package, which will provide increased visibility and value for our home sellers.
-We are very happy to cooperate with an advertiser like DNB Eiendom and look forward to working closely with both them and Marketer going forward, says sales manager at Snapchat, Per Christian Strand Teslo. -This is excellent news for home sellers that they can now advertise on Snapchat, which is one of Norway's largest media channels, via DNB Eiendom's marketing package. This means that home sellers can reach new audiences than they have done before and use more of our most effective ad formats.
Marketer is also very satisfied with the collaboration. Thomas Meyer, co-founder and head of Existing Homes, says: -Through almost four years of collaboration, we have experienced that DNB Eiendom is a forward-looking and innovative player with the main goal of providing the most value possible to both home sellers and home buyers. That Snapchat is now offered as part of the marketing package is completely in line with this objective. Digital marketing is developing rapidly and offering a marketing package with relevant visibility across several channels is an essential part of a successful home sale.
From this week, all home sellers who choose DNB Eiendom and their marketing package Smart Solgt will receive - in addition to focussed digital advertising on Facebook, Instagram and a number of online newspapers - an engaging ad on Snapchat that showcases the home to the most relevant buyers.
Read the press release in Estate here (Norwegian only).