Dmitriy Kanunnikov
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Let's get to know Dmitriy! He has been with our company for two months and has already had the opportunity to travel to Oslo for our developer meet-up. In this article, Dmitriy shares his experiences from the trip, his background in software engineering, and his unique hobby of automotive racing.

How have your first months been at Marketer?
I started two months ago and I love it so far. Marketer has a solid engineering team, which is great! Not only can I share my knowledge, but also learn from others. The work culture is also very strong, with no unnecessary pressure and the company wants to deliver a good product rather than do it fast. Many technical solutions are properly discussed and thought through.
What motivated you to start at Marketer?
Very often, what a company says about itself and what it is, in reality, are two different things. The same applies to the work culture, the people, or even the employees’ responsibilities. I felt this was not the case for Marketer! During the interviewing process, I felt transparency and honesty. And I was not wrong! My first few weeks proved it.
After just being in the company for three weeks, Dmitriy joined our developer meet-up in the Oslo office - a trip filled with workshops and social happenings.
Can you tell us about the meet-up and visit to Oslo?
I think the most remarkable events that occurred during my trip to Oslo were the workshops we had. For me, considering that I just joined the company, it was a game changer. I was able to learn more about the company, its history, and most importantly, the future. Not only on a technical level but also a business level. In my opinion, my work will be much more efficient now that I know more about the company's overall strategy.
On a social level, there are many things to mention! First of all, I never had any interactions with Norwegians and their culture. First impression: nice, calm, positive, and very organized people. Second of all, I loved meeting my team. It its not a super usual thing when you work remotely and sometimes it can take months, if not years before you physically meet people you work with. Third of all, I loved the Norwegian Christmas Soda. We had a blind tasting of different Christmas sodas that are common in Norway, and it reminded me of my childhood and this sweet lemonade that I grew up with🧃 Last but not least, the Christmas party organized by Marketer was something I could not expect. It was not only well organized, but also very entertaining, and it seems I am in love with Norwegian humor.
Tell us a bit about your background.
My engineering career began in 2016, where I have worked on improving and developing software for various projects from the US, Canada, UK, Spain, Germany, and Indonesia. What fascinates me about engineering is that there is no end to learning. Literally, you can never say “now I know everything”. New technologies are constantly being released, so it requires constant learning and self-improvement to keep up in this field. Even when I am 80, I imagine I will still be doing something crazy with machine learning. I believe you can be truly good at something if you love what you do, and software engineering is definitely the thing for me.
(Fun fact) Do you have any specific hobbies?
Mine is very unusual for software engineers, and probably for many people in general. But I do like any kind of automotive racing🏎 But not like watching F1 or something. Instead, I do motorcycle and car racing by myself. It may sound crazy, but I like this kind of adrenaline and it actually relaxes me a lot, especially when it comes to resting from my computer🏍
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