What is it like to work in the Customer Operations team?
- Careers
Internship at Marketer - Constant customer focus

In Marketer, all product development, operational activities and creative work are based on the customer and their needs. And naturally, this focus is absolute for us in the Customer Operations team. We are responsible for the daily, operational follow-up of all customers and for all ongoing product and service deliveries.
Rightfully so, our customers have high expectations that Marketer deliver on par or better than what we together have set as goals for any given campaign or activity. We in the customer team are very aware of our role in the company’s overall success in achieving this, and this means that we are solution-oriented, responsive and extremely dedicated to what we do on a daily basis. At the same time, we are humble and open to the fact that there is always something we can do better and more efficiently.
We are currently seven people working full-time in Customer Operations, and the team is constantly growing. The work itself is mostly independent, at the same time as continuous dialogue within the team is a high priority. The communication in the company in general is open and transparent, and there's a culture for helping each other. This results in good solutions together as a team.
What we do
Our work tasks are relatively varied, and we must have basic knowledge in several fields - such as marketing, customer relations as well as both internal and external technical systems. These are essential skills to succeed in the role. Most of the work is related to digital marketing, and the team operate these tasks through our digital marketing platforms and other technical systems. We work continuously to improve the user experience of our customers, and all employees on the team have a great impact on this.
Customer Operations Intern
We have a positive experience with offering Internships, and we currently have four Interns. From the beginning you will experience a steep learning curve - and your hard effort in this phase will be rewarded! Our Interns do a brilliant job, and are assigned different areas of responsibility based on their own wishes, experiences, progress and skills.

Through the Internship you will gain insight into and a good understanding of digital marketing. This includes targeting and optimisation, as much of the work takes place in Facebook Business Manager and Google Ads. The Internship is designed for "learning-by-doing", and you will become an experienced hands-on marketer and customer service representative.
You will most likely also gain insight into what role or direction you may want to pursue further. There are many opportunities to grow in the company, and you will have an impact on what role may be relevant for you after completing the Internship. Former Interns have, among other things, become Team Leaders, Jr. Marketing Managers and Jr. Designers.
For us, a good training process combined with tight follow-up is essential. We are a close-knit team that helps each other when needed. We work well together to achieve the best solutions for our customers and other parties involved, and at the same time contributing to everyone having a good time at work.
We are a fast-growing company with people of all ages. The atmosphere in the office is characterised by energy, positivity and courage. We thrive in each others company, and focus on making the work environment as good as possible. Every Friday, for example, we have a joint lunch for all employees at El Camino or take-away from Freddy Fuego, and later everyone is invited to stay after work-hours for socialising.
The company has several times arranged kick-off parties to mark the start of important events or achievements of specific milestones. Last year, a whole group even went on a weekend trip to Barcelona in connection with the achievement of an important and demanding goal. We want to repeat such successes!
Life in Customer Operations - Silje

Working at a company like Marketer is incredibly exciting. After only a month, I had learned a lot about the technology, the use of the systems, and I was quickly challenged to respond to inquiries in support alone. A good dialogue and quick feedback from my leaders has been a huge asset in my progress. Juggling many different tasks at the same time has meant that we have had to work well together as a team. That is why I am very happy that the department has such an incredibly pleasant working environment, that even in a hectic workday we still enjoy ourselves at work.
Life as an Intern - Helene

Since day one, I was greeted by smiling faces, challenging tasks and responsibilities. Here at Marketer, everyone has their voice, regardless of title and experience - everyone is heard. This, in combination with wonderful colleagues, makes me look forward to coming in to work every single day. After the first two months I had an extremely steep learning curve. We get a mix of freedom and guidance. My colleagues encourage me both to ask questions and to use what I can based on my own experience. I get a lot of trust and responsibility, which makes me work even harder, and I am left with the feeling of being an equal part of the team. The sum of all this makes me very happy as an Intern at Marketer - it is simply incredibly rewarding, fun and educational - just the way it should be!
Life as an Intern - Erlend

No days are boring when working at Marketer. The work environment is extremely good and the tasks is interesting, which makes everyday life very pleasant and educational. One of the best things about working at Marketer is the freedom you get to develop yourself as an individual, and pursue what you are good at. After working here only two months, I received more challenging work assignments than what I started with. My leaders are incredibly good, and always very accommodating if I have any questions or need help, which means that I learn what I need quickly. Of course, it is also extra nice when the sun is out, and you can enjoy a good lunch with your colleagues on the pier.
Life as an Intern - Martine

Already from the first week of my Internship I tried solving tasks on my own, which has made my learning curve very steep. To be given this much responsibility so early on is a huge sign of trust to me. I feel like I can utilise the knowledge I gained from my education in digital marketing in this job, and at the same time I am constantly learning more about the exciting industry we are operating in. Moreover, I appreciate the good work environment where we are encouraged to ask questions about anything. This makes me feel very safe and taken care of.
Life as an Intern - Theis

Even though it’s only been two weeks since I began my Internship at Marketer, I already feel like a part of the team. With a warm welcome, close follow-up, and a “there’s no stupid questions” attitude, I notice progression already, and feel excited to become more independent. To kick off my work career during Covid has gone surprisingly well considering the circumstances. I am excited going forward, and happy for the opportunity to be a part of such an energetic and ambitious firm.