Partnering Up With Well-Known Agencies
- Press Releases
Marketer announces partnerships with well-known design, communication, and digital agencies, taking a significant step towards becoming a pure provider of end-to-end solutions for digital newbuild sales.

The partnerships with these top-tier agencies enable newbuild developers to purchase Marketer's cutting-edge technology directly from a partner while simultaneously receiving a comprehensive range of services from the agencies, all directly integrated into Marketer's platform.
- With the growth we have and foresee in the future, we are entirely dependent on having partners who can manage customers through our platform. We are still open to customers who want to manage themselves, but especially for smaller developers, we see a need to offer a total delivery that includes both technology and services. Marketer wants to be a pure tech provider that instead of building expertise internally, makes use of the excellent agencies that already exist, says the CEO of Marketer, Amir Folkestad Habhab.
Marketer has teamed up with Blake and friends, TRY, A2N, Fortress, Iteo, Tønsberg-based Breakfast, and Haugesund agency TaDa. In addition, Marketer-owned vY will function as a partner agency on an equal footing with other partners.

From the left: Emilie Nøss Wangen, COO at Try Dig, Thomas de Vries, Agency Manager at Breakfast, and Tomine Coles, Commercial Manager at Blake and friends.
- As a design and brand agency, we focus on customization and quality in our deliveries to customers. With access to Marketers' technology and tools, we will be able to strengthen our work of managing and interpreting insights, strategy, and addressing business needs into design and communication solutions that will benefit our real estate clients, says Tomine Coles, Commercial Manager at Blake and friends.
The collaboration aims to offer a holistic solution, by combining both technology and services to create a seamless customer experience. By leveraging the expertise of these agencies, Marketer's customers can now choose which agency to manage campaigns and deliver websites and property pickers, among other services. This partnership model brings numerous benefits to real estate clients:
- Access to Marketer's state-of-the-art technology and tools, optimizing marketing efforts and improving overall efficiency.
- Enhanced ability for agencies to manage and translate insights strategically, addressing business needs with tailored design-communication solutions.
- Streamlined processes, ensuring a seamless experience for both agencies and newbuild developers.
- For us, it is essential always to have access to the best tools on the market. A collaboration with Marketer allows us to offer our clients technology that we believe in and which makes insight available in such a way that both we as an agency and newbuild developers can make the best decisions around sales and marketing, says Emilie Nøss Wangen, COO at Try Dig.
In addition to Oslo-based agencies, Marketer has also entered into a partnership with Vestfold-based Breakfast, currently working on projects in the Grenland region.
- We look forward to using Marketers' technological expertise to strengthen Breakfast's strategic deliveries and capability to create success for our real estate clients throughout Eastern Norway, comments Agency Manager Thomas de Vries at Breakfast AS.
For more information about our partners, click here here.
Read the press release in Estate here [Norwegian only].